Siemens 60 Second Spot
This piece is an example of what can be done with a large budget (in this case, well over $100K). This piece utilizes all original footage shot with a complete crew and all pro equipment. Running time is approximately 60 seconds.
Seen above is a still frame of this video clip as it was shown on the Jumbotron in Times Square with closed-captioning.
View the 30 second version above.
Additional Info
Client: Siemens Hearing Instruments
Link: Visit their website
Industry: Medical Devices/Audiology
Use: Live Events, In-Office/POS, Direct Mail
Target Audience: Consumers/General Public
Centra Active
This product launch video was created with a large budget of approximately $100K. The piece took several months to produce and includes all original footage. A full film crew was utilized including lighting, cameras, sound, wardrobe, hair, makeup, etc. Running time is approximately 4 minutes.
Additional Info
Client: Siemens Hearing Instruments
Link: Visit their website
Industry: Medical Devices/Audiology
Use: Live Events, In-Office/POS, Direct Mail
Target Audience: Consumers/General Public
This video was created with a small budget of under $5K. The goal of this piece was to build awareness, leading to increased use of their tools and increased donations. The video was used at live events and for online communications. The narrative was written around the core messages of the foundation. The imagery is primarily stock with some customized animated segments, all of which incorporate and establish the brand. Running time is approximately 2 minutes 41 seconds.
Additional Info
Client: DoughMain Education Foundation
Link: Visit their website
Industry: Education
Use: Live Events, Online
Target Audience: Donors, Teachers, Students
Horizon Pest Control
This video spot was produced for a local company with a very modest budget of under $2K. It utilizes original still imagery and incorporates the established brand. Running time is approximately 60 seconds.
Additional Info
Client: Horizon Pest Control
Link: Visit their website
Industry: Pest Control
Use: Online
Target Audience: Consumers/General Public
Another local business piece produced on a small budget (under $2K). Utilizes original and stock photography. Running time is approximately 30 seconds.
Additional Info
Client: TrapSmart
Link: Visit their website
Industry: Pest Control
Use: Online
Target Audience: Consumers/General Public
Childish Things
This original music video was created with a modest budget of well under $1K. The original footage was shot at several locations over a 24 hour period using consumer grade equipment. Editing was performed on a Mac using Final Cut Pro. Running time is approximately 3 minutes 17 seconds.
Additional Info
Client: George Stass
Link: Visit his website
Industry: Music/Entertainment
Use: Online
Target Audience: Consumers/General Public