Director of Marketing and Communications/Creative Director
Total Marketing Solutions/MyHometownNJ.com
2007 – Present I Philadelphia, PA
Marketing firm providing online and traditional marketing support to a diverse group of local businesses and agencies
Strategically budgeting, planning, and implementing successful marketing initiatives for businesses, getting businesses on the web, and branding or re-inventing a failing brand. Studying market conditions and proposing appropriate actions.
Director of Marketing and Communications
DoughMain Education Foundation
2009 – 2012 I Princeton, NJ
Financial literacy program with online tools for teachers and students
Leading the team in marketing strategies, digital and traditional communications, branding, event marketing, and the development of effective educational tools to help teachers and students fulfill the required 2.5 high school credits of financial literacy.
Product Marketing Manager
Fasthosts Internet Inc.
2008 – 2009 I Chesterbrook, PA
Market leading online service provider offering web hosting reseller services
Reported to CMO. Led website, email, PPC, SEO, and all customer communications. Oversaw US team including sales and customer service (total of 5 employees). Coordinated and managed efforts with overseas team to enhance product offerings and grow market share.
Creative Director/Senior Manager, Marketing
Siemens Hearing Instruments
2002 – 2007 I Piscataway, NJ
Leading supplier of hearing instruments worldwide
Reported to VP of Marketing. Responsible for development of strategic business plans, implementing national & global marketing programs, departmental budgets, and determining organizational structures. Determined proper media type for delivering messages and strategically building visibility in marketplace. Managed communications delivered to outside customers and 500+ employees at three national facilities. Direct staff of 9-13.
Senior Art Director
Siemens Hearing Instruments I Piscataway, NJ
2000 – 2002
Reported to Director of Marketing. Responsible for guiding completion of complex projects, defining work flows & reporting relationships, and developing communications for print, audio/visual, web, and trade shows. Direct staff of 7.
Art Director
Siemens Hearing Instruments I Piscataway, NJ
1999 – 2000
Reported to Director of Marketing. Responsible for defining projects, selecting resources, monitoring results, and troubleshooting & resolving very complex problems. Managed resources and developed strategies for trade shows, advertising, and product literature. Directed photo and video shoots. Responsible for overall messaging, design, resolving technical issues, and print production. Direct staff of 4.
Freelance Designer I New York, NY
Talco Temporary Services
1994 – 1997
Staffing services specializing in sourcing creative people for Digital Advertising.
(Reported to various roles)
Acted as consultant to American Bond Buyer, Chemical Bank, Price Waterhouse, Revlon, and Richard A. Eisner for medium and long-term projects. Offered full-time positions by Price Waterhouse and American Bond Buyer.