John Croce Logo Large

Left Brain, Meet Right Brain

A highly experienced marketing professional with a unique blend of management and hands-on skills.

Direct Report Recommendations

Dori Eitelberg“John is one of the most effective managers I’ve ever worked with. He really excels at inspiring and motivating the creative people who report to him, while giving them clear direction, making it easier for them to find truly successful solutions. He is flexible and quite driven to stay sharp and up-to-date on the most current trends and technologies. His easy-going demeanor belies a wealth of knowledge and wide range of skills which make him indispensable as a creative director, marketing professional, and liaison between creative and sales and marketing departments.”

Creative Director, DEsign Communications
linked in recommendations for john croce

 AFFILIATION:    Dori reported directly to John in her previous position of Senior Graphic Artist at Siemens Hearing Instruments.









Dan Lieb“I worked for John for six years in the marketing department of Siemens Hearing Instruments in Piscataway, NJ. As an art director, he shows an even-handed approach to his artists. He respects personal needs and facilitates to the limit of his resources. Unafraid of responsibility, he shows a clear vision of projects from their scope down to their finer details. His direction is clear and concise.”

Art & Underwater Illustration
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 AFFILIATION:    Dan reported directly to John Croce in Lieb's previous role as Technical Illustrator at Siemens Hearing Instruments

Marek Malkowski“I was impressed with John’s exceptional, multiple professional skill sets... I truly miss the opportunity for professional development and friendly work atmosphere that I experienced reporting to John Croce.

Photography Administrator at Wakefern Food Corp.
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 AFFILIATION:    Marek reported directly to John in Malkowski's previous position as Photographer & Graphic Designer at Siemens Hearing Instruments.

Nancy Cozine“John has his finger on the pulse of what's relevant and current, speaking both creatively and managerially. In addition to handling the day-to-day responsibilities of managing a department, he is not afraid to jump in and get his hands dirty to get the job done. He brings fresh ideas and a unique ability to foster the talents of those who work on his team.”

Copywriter at EK Success
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 AFFILIATION:    Nancy reported directly to John while she held the position of Copywriter at Siemens Hearing Instruments.

Will Maximonis2“John Croce was the best boss I ever had. He promoted a work environment which allowed his employees to achieve their best, both artistically and professionally.”

Educational Testing Service
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 AFFILIATION:    Will reported directly to John while Maximonis was a Designer at Siemens Hearing Instruments.


What They Say…


UOP, Parsons, NBC, Art & Design



Siemens, DoughMain, FastHosts…



Adobe CS, Microsoft Office, Copywriting…